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Dr. Boyce Watkins: Bill O'Reilly Caters to American Racism

Category: Entertainment
Duration: 00:08:07
http://www.vladtv.com - As a leading scholar and social commentator, Dr. Boyce Watkins was invited to speak with VladTV on an array of issues, including entrenched racism in America. Within this exclusive clip, Dr. Watkins shares his thoughts on right-wing talking head Bill O'Reilly and the national platform that's used to spew his rhetoric.

The candid dialogue commences with Dr. Boyce Watkins expressing his thoughts on how America sustains its fortified racism with platforms such as Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor." According to Dr. Boyce Watkins, "America is the only industrialized nation that's racist enough to entertain and maintain a show like that with an audience that big. I think that Bill O'Reilly really caters to this latent American racism that exists in America that people want to deny actually exists but it's very very real."

The entire clip portrays why Dr. Boyce Watkins believes that Bill O'Reilly is "destructive to the country," why his platform is another instance that serves to prevent the healing of a racially embattled nation, and "the mob mentality that's existed in White America for a very long time."

Watch the clip to also hear Dr. Watkins speak on the emasculation of Black men and why strong Black male actors have such a difficult time making it in Hollywood.

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