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7 things rich people do that keeps them wealthy - Dr Boyce Watkins PhD

Category: Education
Duration: 00:08:45
Dr Boyce Watkins, who has a PhD in Finance, explains 7 things that rich people do that keeps them wealthy. Becoming #rich and making #money isn't easy. So, it's important to understand the mindset of wealth builders in order to become succesful. In this video, Dr Boyce explains how rich people think and why becoming #wealthy isn't just a matter of luck. It's also a matter of choice.

The Black Financial Channel is a news and business channel designed specifically for the African American community. We give daily financial updates on stock markets, investing and other related topics that appear in financial news.

The Black Financial Channel is sponsored by The Black Business School. To join The Black Business School and get started for free, please visit TheBlackBusinessSchool.com. You can also get free financial tips, advice and information from Dr Boyce Watkins by visiting DrBoyceWatkins.net


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