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Dr. Boyce Watkins: Your Greatest Investment Is Your Mate

Category: Entertainment
Duration: 00:09:54
http://www.vladtv.com - In this thought-provoking clip Dr. Boyce Watkins discusses why he wrote "Financial Lovemaking 101: Merging Assets With Your Partner in Ways That Feel Good." Throughout the advice guide the financial professor reveals valuable information about remaining financially stable throughout your relationships, because according to him, "the easiest way to go broke is to have a bunch of baby's mamas."

"A lot of people will pick relationships based on things that really don't matter," proclaims Boyce Watkins as he points out the people who go for "swag" and "a**" when choosing a potential partner. He also delves into Chris Rock's legal battles with his estranged wife Malaak Compton-Rock. Though the two filed a prenup, the Sunset provision in the agreement caused it to expire after their 18th year of marriage. Now Malaak - who Chris filed for divorce from after nearly 20 years - is seeking at least a third of his $70 million dollar net worth along with alimony and child support. Dr. Boyce Watkins - who believes Chris Rock's views on marriage "have not been favorable" for years - feels that situations like theirs can be tricky, as the marriage debate leaves many people in limbo over what is deserved after one divorces from their spouse.

At the end of the day, Boyce Watkins tells us like he tells his own daughters, "every date is a potential mate." He also feels people need to understand that "the greatest and most important investment you will make in your life is probably the decision of who you spend your life with. So do not take that decision lightly."

Watch on as Dr. Boyce Watkins includes people's choice of friends into the equation and why your life should be your most protected asset in this VladTV exclusive.


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