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Tagged: the devil is a lie

Rená Cooper CEO of 4 My Voice Matters & Author of Assassination Avoided, Destiny Defined

By , 2020-03-23
Rená Cooper CEO of 4 My Voice Matters & Author of Assassination Avoided, Destiny Defined

Rená Cooper CEO of 4 My Voice Matters &

Author of Assassination Avoided, Destiny Defined 

Featured Guest

Rená Cooper, CEO of 4 My Voice Matters &

Author of Assassination Avoided, Destiny Defined 


👇 Here's shortlink to her interview 👇

About Ms. Cooper

Yolunda R. Cooper, affectionately known as Rená by family and friends, had always been outgoing. She could light up a room with just her smile. No one knew that behind her smile, Rená  was being abused by someone who had professed their love for her. Time doesn't stand still for anyone and after approximately fifteen years of being emotionally, mentally, physically and verbally abused, Rená  thought she had no strength but she found it in God and prayed for an 'EXODUS' from her life of consternation. Rená found her VOICE which she had buried deep within long ago. After being thrown out of her home that she shared with her abuser, Rená built a new life for herself. But December 28, 2008 will be a day that she will NEVER forget. Listen to her testimony...

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