Artist: RobinLynne Mabin
Duration: 00:24:55
"No matter what, don't give up on your dreams. Confucius said, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life," and I love music!" With his mind, voice, body and soul, he brings his art to you. A artist from St. Louis Missouri, he writes music that can fit every mood. ChillZ loves to have fun with his music and wants others to have fun with it also. His stage presence is entertaining and captures the attention of the audience. ChillZ art comes from current events of his lifestyle. He makes music about everyday struggles, lost love, growing as a person, and living the high life. ChillZ music is influenced by artist like Biggie, Nas, Tupac, Eminem, Jay Z, T.I., Young Jeezy, also hometown artist like Nelly, Chingy, and many others. All this adds to a style that ChillZ has been perfecting for many years. ChillZ has been in the top 50 local charts on for the whole year of 2015. With the combination of statistics from different media outlets ChillZ has over 10,000 supporters, thousands of listens via music streaming, and hundreds of downloads all growing daily. He has completed two official mixtapes called "Open Yo Eyez" and "Close Casket." ChillZ has performed in almost every venue in the St. Louis area, including East St. Louis IL. and St. Peters MO. He also was one of the starting co-host for a popular St. Louis based internet radio show called Replicon Radio, Presented by . "Music and hustle runs through his vains." -Lady SaySo (Journalist) " I swear you keep it 93+7 or betta my G!" -Devin @FiveStar573 (Twitter) "ChillZ performance will have you mesmerized with the intelligent lyrics, dope metaphors, and entertaining stage presence." -Ashley Hunter (Performance Attendee) Read more at
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