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Nadine Ali
Nadine Ali

Nadine Ali

About Us Nadine Ali

Nadine Ali is the Founder and Executive Director of South Candler Neighborhood Advocates
(SCNA), an organization which provides educational workshops on healthy eating, active living,
mental health awareness for the families of the South Candler community and the general
population of DeKalb County, Georgia. SCNA will eventually work toward serving families
nationally, and globally. Nadine was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and established SCNA
in 2008 to help raise awareness on why people should keep themselves healthy and fit for life.
The SCNA mission is to develop, implement, and provide programs to help reduce health
disparities associated with chronic illnesses through healthy eating, active living, and mental
health workshops, which promote better lifestyles for the entire family. South Candler
Neighborhood Advocates partners with various health providers and community organizations to
help facilitate the programs. The organization has four staff members and is provided with
numerous volunteers.
Nadine has been a member of the DeKalb NAACP Branch since 1994. Leadership activities
with the Branch have included Membership Chairperson, Voter Registration Coordinator,
Treasurer, Executive Board Member, and WIN Member. She has continued to make exceptional
contributions in other capacities with the DeKalb Branch and the entire DeKalb community.
Other community contributions Nadine has provided are: supporting the efforts to raise funds
for March of Dimes in her workplace; Co-host on People TV and “The Hatcher Affect” TV talk
show with Rahn Hatcher; “They Can’t Talk But We Can” advocate to help stop the abuse of
special needs children; help with “Seed Life Foundation”, “My Name is ME” and DeKalb
Democratic Party “Get-Out-The-Vote” Chairperson to help increase voter participation and
education; Youth Mentor at the United Methodist Children’s Home; Secretary of Belvedere
Civic Club and activist to encourage community participation; business partner with internet
radio station NDSRRADIO.COM; Host of “Speak Out Your Issue” talk show with Mz Sho U
Right Nadine; and DJ on station WMQGFM.COM.
She received the “Women for Service to the Community Award” from Karla Drenner, State
Representative-District 85. Nadine continues to pave the way in making a difference in the
South DeKalb community by inviting everyone she comes into contact with to attend community
meetings, by encouraging people to work together, and by encouraging others to be a part of the
political process. Trainings include Mental Health First Aid, Human Trafficking Ambassador
and Train the Trainer for Individuals, Groups and Hotels, and Darkness to Light Child Abuse.

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