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Tagged: empower

Anntricia Bray the Author of "Recreating A Better Me"

By , 2020-04-16
Anntricia Bray the Author of "Recreating A Better Me"

Anntricia Bray Smith is an author and the founder of Christian Women Fellowship (CWF),

Saturday April 18,2020
Featured Guest

Anntricia Bray Smith
The Author of
"Recreating A Better Me"

Faith Focused Finish Blog Talk Show
11am-Noon est.
Guest Call in: 563.999.3741

Here's the shortlink

Anntricia Bray Smith is an author and the founder of Christian Women Fellowship (CWF) promoting personal growth and development in all areas of a woman life.  Anntricia is a  leader that spends a majority of her time self-educating to enhance knowledge and skills.   She strives to reach her highest level of success while assisting others in discovering their greatness.  Anntricia is known for her unscripted message,honesty, and unbiased commitment to those she serves.  Anntricia works as a Special Education teacher and is a certified School Counselor in the State of Oklahoma.    Her work as an educator has inspired her growth as an author and speaker.  

Anntricia is the mother of two.  She enjoys family time and vacations.  She owns several businesses and enjoys discovering new talents.  She is well-known for helping others discover their greatness.  Additionally, Anntricia is known for finding creative ways to influence people without imposing upon their cultural beliefs and religious preferences. Anntricia lives by three pillars Educate, Empower, Encourage.  

Through her public speaking platform, Anntricia promotes becoming intentional with your life.  She believes that success is built into every believer.  She provides practical ideas and strategies to help everyone recognize, develop, and pursue their purpose. She is a problem solver and motivated by change.

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Yolanda Cumbess Author "Break Free from the Cycle of Destructive Relationships"

By , 2019-10-24
Yolanda Cumbess Author "Break Free from the Cycle of Destructive Relationships"

Yolanda Cumbess The Author of

"Break Free from the Cycle of Destructive Relationships"

Here's the link to the interview below 

Shortlink:  http://tobtr.com/11534747

Yolanda Cumbess learned the destructive nature of toxic, abusive relationships by watching both her mother and father endure their share. Growing up, she began repeating the cycle, experiencing her own string of unhealthy relationships. After a series of poor choices, a destructive marriage, and nearly losing her life due to a tragic miscarriage, Yolanda finally decided to search for examples of healthy relationships and how to obtain them for herself.

Break Free from the Cycle of Destructive Relationships  is the culmination of the author’s research, which included the development of a deeper relationship with God. In this book, Yolanda outlines the steps that readers must take to define, identify, and ultimately overcome abusive relationships. Through guided self-reflection and the pursuit of a deeper relationship with God, Yolanda shows readers how to gain the ability to understand their relationships and how to find the courage to live healthier, more positive, and more productive lives.

To order her book on Amazon:


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, possible text that says 'YOLANDA R. CUMBESS, J.D. YOLANDA R. CUMBESS, J.D. BREAK FREE from from the the cycle of MP Destructive Relationships purposely Creea www.PublishYourGift.com'

Faith Focused Finish Blog Talk Radio


11 am-Noon Eastern 

Guest Call (563) 999-3741

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If you own a business, published a book, singer/songwriter this is an excellent world wide platform to advertise or interview on. For more information contact Faith Lane 240.640.5492 or email me at faithfocusedfinish@gmail.co m

*I don’t own the rights to the music*

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