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Dr. Evangelist Sonya Gray

By Faith_Focused_Finish, 2020-05-07
Dr. Evangelist Sonya Gray

Dr. Evangelist Sonya Gray
Author, Anti-Bullying Advocate, Certified Professional Christian Mentor, Certified Professional
Destiny Life Coach, Consultant, Domestic Violence/ Youth Advocate
Evangelist, Motivational Speaker, Writing Coach and Workshop Facilitator

Image may contain: Sonya Gray
Dr. Evangelist Sonya Gray was born and raised in Spartanburg, SC.  She is the oldest of nine siblings. Dr. Gray is a
2015 Graduate of Converse College with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She is presently pursuing a Masters in
Social Work from Capella University. Dr. Gray is married to Roosevelt Gray Jr., they have two wonderful children,
Torez and Brittany Williams and three precious grandsons, Bre’land Hunter Gray, Terrance Lamar Means, Jr. and
Carter Jayce Williams. Dr. Gray has been educating, equipping and empowering youth for over 20 plus years. She
was trained from birth to teach young men and women that God is the one who can give you inner peace.  She has
been through many trials and tribulations but with God on her side she has overcome every battle. At an early age
the enemy tried to kill her with drugs, alcoholism, and abusive men; however, Dr. Gray did not let these things kill
her. This book addresses the mask that Evangelist Sonya Gray wore for 48 year and how God delivered her from them to save and restore others to Stop Hiding Behind the Mask and Break the Generational Curses off their lives.

My ministry website:  www.srministriessc.org

Social Media Platforms:

Twitter: @preachergrl318 (Dr. Evangelist Sonya Gray(Anderson)

LinkedIn: Dr. Sonya Gray

Facebook: Sonya Gray (Roosevelt Dr. Sonya Gray)

Instagram: Dr. Sonya Grayn(sonyagray318)

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sonya Gray, people standing

Image may contain: Sonya Gray, text

Image may contain: 4 people, including Sonya Gray, people standing and outdoor
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Missie Wilson the Director of the Mississippi Chapter for domestic Violence  

Featured Guest on

Faith Focused Finish Blog Talk Show

Saturday April 25,2020

11am-Noon est.

Guest call in 563.999.3741

Here's the shortlink

Missie Wilson the Director of the Mississippi Chapter for domestic Violence  

She the founder of P.O.U.R

Personal Development Coach/Transformational Speaker at Shattered but not Broken. She was featured in "Hotty Toddy" an online magazine in September 2019.

Life coach

Advocate for teen depression and suicide ideation

Advocate for mental Illness and self harm


End domestic violence by uniting diverse individuals. 


Our mission is to turn our vision into a realty by connecting  victims  to the necessary resources, and  to  facilitate additional assistance  by breaking the chains of domestic violence.  We are going to break the silence for victims of domestic  violence  with the physical and emotional trauma for proper  recovery.; through  legislative   changes, education, public awareness, and h ighlighting   programs. 

        "Together We Stand and Divided We Fall"

Make sure you follow us 

Cash app donations  $Faith4lane paypal.me/Faith4lane

Anntricia Bray the Author of "Recreating A Better Me"

By Faith_Focused_Finish, 2020-04-16
Anntricia Bray the Author of "Recreating A Better Me"

Anntricia Bray Smith is an author and the founder of Christian Women Fellowship (CWF),

Saturday April 18,2020
Featured Guest

Anntricia Bray Smith
The Author of
"Recreating A Better Me"

Faith Focused Finish Blog Talk Show
11am-Noon est.
Guest Call in: 563.999.3741

Here's the shortlink

Anntricia Bray Smith is an author and the founder of Christian Women Fellowship (CWF) promoting personal growth and development in all areas of a woman life.  Anntricia is a  leader that spends a majority of her time self-educating to enhance knowledge and skills.   She strives to reach her highest level of success while assisting others in discovering their greatness.  Anntricia is known for her unscripted message,honesty, and unbiased commitment to those she serves.  Anntricia works as a Special Education teacher and is a certified School Counselor in the State of Oklahoma.    Her work as an educator has inspired her growth as an author and speaker.  

Anntricia is the mother of two.  She enjoys family time and vacations.  She owns several businesses and enjoys discovering new talents.  She is well-known for helping others discover their greatness.  Additionally, Anntricia is known for finding creative ways to influence people without imposing upon their cultural beliefs and religious preferences. Anntricia lives by three pillars Educate, Empower, Encourage.  

Through her public speaking platform, Anntricia promotes becoming intentional with your life.  She believes that success is built into every believer.  She provides practical ideas and strategies to help everyone recognize, develop, and pursue their purpose. She is a problem solver and motivated by change.

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Nakeyia Jones The Author of Super Spots Children's Book

By Faith_Focused_Finish, 2020-04-12
Nakeyia Jones The Author of Super Spots Children's Book

Nakeyia Jones The Author of Super Spots Children's Book

Mrs. Jones is a Featured Guest on

Faith Focused Finish Blog Talk Show

April 15th, 2020

11am-Noon Est. Live

Guest call in 563-999-3741

Here's her shortlink to her interview

Nakeyia Jones was born and raised in the Bronx, NY with her mother, father and two brothers. She has

had Vitiligo for over 3 years and has done extensive research about herbs, diet and causes of Vitiligo. 

She currently resides in Chicago with her amazing husband Justin for the past nine years. 

She has traveled to schools and community events within her city to encourage and educate adults and children about the skin condition, Vitiligo.

This is a link to my Youtube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIE_SRZ4le_D-QmpVPOksOw

I am @authornjones on Instagram and Facebook 

auhtornjones1 on twitter

Website  www.adventureswithnia.webs.com

Nakeyia Jones is also a featured guest on the Entertainment Directory here's the link 

Image may contain: Nakeyia Glover-Jones, closeup, possible text that says 'Author'

Image may contain: one or more people and text

No photo description available.

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Dr. Elliott Heflin, Jr. Computer Technology Reality Tech specializes in Robotics

Dr. Elliott Heflin, Jr. Computer Technology Reality Tech specializes in Robotics

Here's the shortlink

Dr. Elliott Heflin , Jr.

Computer Technology Reality Tech specializes in Robotics

on Faith Focused Finish Blog Talk Show

Date: March 27th

Time:11am-Noon est.

Guest call in 563.999.3741

👇 Here's the shortlink to the interview 👇

Dr. Elliott Heflin, Jr. He holds an undergraduate degree in Industrial Technology/Computer Technology
from Jackson State University. He also has a MS degree in Technology Education also from JSU. In
addition, he holds a Doctoral degree in Educational Leadership/Educational Technology and a GACE
certification in Engineering/Technology Education. He is the owner of RealityTech (Educational
Enrichment Institution). RealityTech specializes in Robotics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Python coding and
drone technology.

My Facebook personal page:  https://www.facebook.com/futureprofessor.heflin" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.facebook.com/futureprofessor.heflin&source=gmail&ust=1585246431715000&usg=AFQjCNGzfzt54c_oUwNfXebS3peyv1-eLA" rel="noopener"> https://www.facebook.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.facebook.com/ futureprofessor.heflin

My Facebook business page:  https://www.facebook.com/RealityTechAtl/" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.facebook.com/RealityTechAtl/&source=gmail&ust=1585246431715000&usg=AFQjCNEkd7gPZ2hg4FKJYGb7K9PCYCxl9g" rel="noopener"> https://www.facebook. com/RealityTechAtl/

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Image may contain: people sitting and text

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Bill Gates reminds us we are equal in a powerful open letter on the Steve Harvey Morning Show

Bill Gates reminds us we are equal in a powerful open letter on the Steve Harvey Morning Show as Steve reads the letter

Here is the shortlink to his radio interview below


Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses and suit

Image may contain: 1 person, suit

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Looking For Extra Income Work From Home

By Faith_Focused_Finish, 2020-03-20
Looking For Extra Income Work From Home

If your job has been taken from you because of the current situation with COVID-19, Equis Financial has the solution. Great part and full-time opportunities. You can work from home. Looking for Licensed Life & Health Agents Please contact me Faith Lane 240.640.5492 



Image may contain: Faith Lane, closeup

hashtag lostofincome hashtag workfromhome hashtag extraincome hashtag licensed hashtag livingbenefits hashtag protectyourfamily hashtag lifeinsurance

"Parenting Through Adverse Times"  Jewrine harold-brown -The Down To Earth Counselor  Monique Swinney 



"Parenting Through Adverse Times"

Monique Swinney, M.A.


Jewrine Brown,LCMHC, THTC, NPP

"The Down To Earth Counselor"

Here's the shortlink to their show


Mrs. Swinney is married and mother of 3 children. She  has successfully homeschooled for the past 8 years. She serves her community as a educational consultant and currently works at a psychiatric residential facility for youth. She has a passion for encouraging individuals to discover their purpose  and reach their goals. She has a Bachelor's degree in criminal justice  from Fayetteville State University and a Master's degree in Human Services with a concentration in marriage and family from Liberty University.


Jewrine Brown, is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor she graduated from Liberty University with a Masters of Arts Degree with a concentration in Marriage and Family.  She received a Bachelor’s of Science from Fayetteville State University. Ms. Brown is known as the “Down to Earth Counselor”, for her effective and safe approach to communicating with her audiences. This has allowed her to reach a wide array of demographics.  In addition to working as a Clinical Counselor, she is a talented speaker and trained as a Nurturing Parenting Program Facilitator & Connections Matter Facilitator in collaboration with Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina.  Ms. Brown is also the Founder of the “You Win Today Challenge”, and the Brand Ambassador for the F.A.Y.R. app - (Family Advocacy is Your Responsibility).  


Links to all pages associated with the event that's being advertised.

IG: @the_down_to_earth_counselor


FaceBook: Jewrine Brown, LCMCH

Linkedin: Jewrine Brown, LCMHC

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Faith Focused Finish Blog Talk Show
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