Dr. Elliott Heflin, Jr. Computer Technology Reality Tech specializes in Robotics
Dr. Elliott Heflin, Jr. Computer Technology Reality Tech specializes in Robotics
Dr. Elliott Heflin, Jr. He holds an undergraduate degree in Industrial Technology/Computer Technology
from Jackson State University. He also has a MS degree in Technology Education also from JSU. In
addition, he holds a Doctoral degree in Educational Leadership/Educational Technology and a GACE
certification in Engineering/Technology Education. He is the owner of RealityTech (Educational
Enrichment Institution). RealityTech specializes in Robotics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Python coding and
drone technology.
My Facebook personal page: https://www.facebook.com/futureprofessor.heflin" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.facebook.com/futureprofessor.heflin&source=gmail&ust=1585246431715000&usg=AFQjCNGzfzt54c_oUwNfXebS3peyv1-eLA" rel="noopener"> https://www.facebook.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.facebook.com/

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