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Nakeyia Jones The Author of Super Spots Children's Book

user image 2020-04-12
By: Faith_Focused_Finish
Posted in: Author
Nakeyia Jones The Author of Super Spots Children's Book

Nakeyia Jones The Author of Super Spots Children's Book

Mrs. Jones is a Featured Guest on

Faith Focused Finish Blog Talk Show

April 15th, 2020

11am-Noon Est. Live

Guest call in 563-999-3741

Here's her shortlink to her interview

Nakeyia Jones was born and raised in the Bronx, NY with her mother, father and two brothers. She has

had Vitiligo for over 3 years and has done extensive research about herbs, diet and causes of Vitiligo. 

She currently resides in Chicago with her amazing husband Justin for the past nine years. 

She has traveled to schools and community events within her city to encourage and educate adults and children about the skin condition, Vitiligo.

This is a link to my Youtube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIE_SRZ4le_D-QmpVPOksOw

I am @authornjones on Instagram and Facebook 

auhtornjones1 on twitter

Website  www.adventureswithnia.webs.com

Nakeyia Jones is also a featured guest on the Entertainment Directory here's the link 

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Faith Focused Finish Blog Talk Show
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