Tagged: abusive
Devona Natalie Boone is an author and founder of the non-profit organization, Precious G.E.M.S Inc
By , 2020-02-29
Devona Natalie Boone
is an author and founder of the non-profit
organization, Precious G.E.M.S Inc.
Devona Natalie Boone is an author and founder of the non-profit
organization, Precious G.E.M.S Inc. Her mission was to empower young
girls by teaching them resilience, promote positive self- awareness,
sisterhood and the power that is within. Through her organization Devona
found her voice and courage to share her story in hopes to offer strength,
healing and hope to other women.
When Devona Natalie Boone was just 10 years old, she witnessed her
mother’s murder. Eunice Natalie Boone was stabbed multiple times by an
abusive boyfriend while Devona watched in extreme fear. Devona was
with her mother until her very last breath. After the tragedy, Devona was
overcome with sadness, worry and grief and she was unsure of what was
next for her.
Devona has fought to become a woman of grace and resilience through
life’s difficult moments where she has had to take a self-examination of the
impact she wanted to make in the lives of others. 31 years of building
courage, 31 years of self- discovery, 31 years healing, 31 years of
recovery, 31 years of perseverance, has led Devona to this moment. Being
a self-published author to her memoir, A Precious GEM: The Journey of My
Shaping it is aimed to help those who have dealt with low self-esteem,
feelings of shame and failure in life, and the fear of growth.
We all have a journey but we all must learn to travel through it with grace!
To get a copy of her book
Yolanda Cumbess The Author of
"Break Free from the Cycle of Destructive Relationships"
Here's the link to the interview below
Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/11534747
Yolanda Cumbess learned the destructive nature of toxic, abusive relationships by watching both her mother and father endure their share. Growing up, she began repeating the cycle, experiencing her own string of unhealthy relationships. After a series of poor choices, a destructive marriage, and nearly losing her life due to a tragic miscarriage, Yolanda finally decided to search for examples of healthy relationships and how to obtain them for herself.
Break Free from the Cycle of Destructive Relationships is the culmination of the author’s research, which included the development of a deeper relationship with God. In this book, Yolanda outlines the steps that readers must take to define, identify, and ultimately overcome abusive relationships. Through guided self-reflection and the pursuit of a deeper relationship with God, Yolanda shows readers how to gain the ability to understand their relationships and how to find the courage to live healthier, more positive, and more productive lives.
To order her book on Amazon:
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