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Dr. Chantrise Holliman the Author of "Shoes Without Feet"

user image 2019-10-23
By: Faith_Focused_Finish
Posted in: Author
Dr. Chantrise Holliman the Author of "Shoes Without Feet"

Dr. Chantrise Holliman

The Author of

"Shoes Without Feet"

Here's the link to the interview below 

Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/1155038 5

Article Myia King Gordon | Photography Karen Marie Images

Author, speaker, educator, heart attack survivor, bilateral amputee. My legs never defined me. My story will.

She is a sister who is   humble   and helps others on purpose. Her company, Disturb the Universe, LLC, was founded to help educators and school leaders think creatively to find unique solutions for improving academic outcomes for students while focusing on providing quality professional development and motivational workshops to a variety of organizations.

She is a child of God who is   anointed   and obedient to her calling. She relies on her faith in God to accomplish her goals and to be a reflection of those G.O.A.L.S. (#God #Ordained #Amazing #Leader #Soaring).

She is a speaker who is   notable   in her expertise and nurturing in her vision to lead by example and win in spite of the adversity that may cause us to stumble. For her, stumbling does not, and will not, ever mean stopping.

She is a heart attack survivor who is   tenacious   in teaching us “to keep moving in spite of obstacles we face!” There are no excuses in her life.

She is a decorated educator who understands that respect is earned. She is   resilient   in teaching her students how to solve problems while motivating them to get the best out of themselves and every learning experience.

She is an author who is   insightful   and inspiring in her writings.   Teach Stay Love: A Reflective Journal to Help You Stay in the Profession You Love   and, her latest book,   Shoes Without Feet: A Journey of Strength, Hope, Obstacles, Encouragement, Success offers inspiration that emboldens us to keep moving forward, counsels us to stand strong in the midst of challenges, and reminds us to dispel the notion that our situations and consequences define our ability to be successful at reaching our goals while facing adversity.

She is a friend who is   strong , sapient, and selfless in her desire to be the example she sets in her life emphasizing the enormity of life and how we must live it intentionally without stipulations or limitations.

She is a mother who is   empowering   and effective in edifying to her children, and to us all, that we are enough and are worthy of greatness, prosperity, and love.

Amazon Link: Shoes Without Feet: A Journey of Strength, Hope, Obstacles, Encouragement & Success  https://www.amazon.com/dp/ 0998621919/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_ i_0y5PDbDKYJKSX

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